Homes Workplaces Interiors Design-Build
Nocturne, WC STUDIO’s latest self-initiated development project, endeavors to capitalize on the dingbat’s most favorable attributes and reimagine this classic midcentury housing type for our current context: a moment when the imperative to create livable and affordable housing and environmentally responsible buildings is more pressing than ever.
Homes Workplace Design-Build Interiors Middle Housing
Wedgeview is a newly completed apartment building located across the street from Tacoma’s historic Wedge neighborhood. Vacant for many years, the site now contains four new dwellings, eight new neighbors, two dogs and one cat.
Homes Workplace Middle Housing
This group of six attached homes will add more housing in a category known as the “missing middle” providing more choices and diverse types of housing in Tacoma. The project site near the intersection of MLK and South 19th is part of the Hilltop Mixed Use Center and will be a short walk from the Tacoma Link light rail extension.